High Street West

High Street West

IN Architecture, Construction
Investor Name:
Sunderland City Council
Published Date:
1st January 1970
High Street West
GPS Group
About Project


It was recognised and acknowledged that there was a need to improve the way Sunderland city centre looked and felt in order to make it more appealing and inviting to both the public and businesses. With re-modelling of a major part of the city centre already underway, High Street West was considered the next phase in the overall exercise to upgrade and add vibrancy to the city centre. A main route within the city centre, linking existing shopping and leisure facilities as well as the university campus, it was felt that High Street West was an important area for future investment and improvement. The objective was to create a more welcoming pedestrian environment, incorporating new paving, planting, street furniture and feature lighting. It was also a requirement to improve traffic management around Bridge Street and Fawcett Street, including waiting restrictions

The Project

The requirements of the scheme where to deliver the manufacture, supply, construction, completion and defects rectification of the Public Realm and Highway Improvements at High Street West and Bridge Street including the re-alignment and widening of a 100m stretch of carriageway at Bridge Street in the City Centre between Southern Bridge Head roundabout and Fawcett Street.

Our Expertise

GPS supplied an Engineer to assist Sunderland City Council with the delivery of the scheme. Acting as Project Manager/Lead Designer the scheme was delivered from Preliminary Design stage through to Tender and finally requiring our Engineer to oversee the completion of works on site.

The following design/management solutions were provided:

  • Refurbishment of the traffic signalisation at the junction of Fawcett Street and High Street West to allow two-way traffic on Bridge Street.
  • The creation of a ‘shared surface’ crossing area at the heart of the area.
  • The delivery of high quality pedestrian areas in the City Centre, including High Street West, Bridge Street and Union Street.
  • Implementation of hard and soft landscaping and street furniture.
  • Working alongside a nominated sub-contractor to deliver new lighting infrastructure and to include feature lighting.
  • Working alongside a nominated sub-contractor to deliver new traffic signal infrastructure.
  • All associated site clearance, earthworks, drainage and duct work, fencing, pavements, traffic signs and road markings, traffic management, utility works, footways and street lighting.
  • Public Utility Apparatus Diversions (to be carried out by Utility Companies).
  • Project Management – Collating the Tender Package for issue.
  • On-Site Supervision – Dealing with any issues which arose from site.

>To successfully achieve the above, the GPS Engineer was instrumental in providing the following Key Services to the Client:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Preliminary Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Drainage Design
  • Cost Estimates
  • 3D Ground Modelling
  • Utility Diversion Management
  • Tender Documents
  • On-Site Supervision

The Outcome

We are pleased to report that the Tender Package was successfully issued ahead of schedule. The subsequent result of which also allowed the works to be programmed ahead of schedule and without any pre-contract delays to the project. Furthermore; the tender was ultimately awarded to ESH. Project development has been well managed with construction now nearing completion.